Fucking fantastic! I haven't laughed like that in ages! Thank you!

Visit to our theater
We have shows about three to five times a week again: most Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. In addition, our international show series Impro Embassy will play on Thursdays. Depending on the …
Die Gorillas
As an independent theater ensemble, we have been improvising in Berlin since 1997 and believe in the “philosophy” of improvisation: acceptance, trust, saying yes, flexibility, listening to and …
Impro Embassy on Thursdays
Ratibor Theater is Berlin's number one venue for a diverse range of international improvised performances. Improv players from around the globe have been playing here for since 2001 during IMPRO – …
Improfestival Berlin
The next IMPRO is happening from 1st to 6th April 2025! Many shows, workshops, rehearsals and come-togethers! The IMPRO is one of the largest festivals for improvisational theater in Europe and has …
Berlin Bühnen
Das Ratibor Theater ist Mitglied bei Berlin Bühnen. Das gemeinsame Online-Portal der Berliner Bühnen bündelt die Spielpläne von Theatern, Opern- und Konzerthäusern. Ihr habt ein gute Übersicht für …
Wir freuen uns, Sie bei uns im Theater begrüßen zu können. Großgruppen Für größere Gruppen ab circa 80 Personen ist es auch möglich Shows außerhalb unserer regulären Spieltage aufzumachen. Zögern Sie …

It was really nice so lovely we had a really great time. Next time u should first take a shower so it gets longer. - Believe me I know what I'm talkin about

Thank you for the music...!

Really wicked. Haven't laughed so much in a while...

Es war ganz toll, ich war da!

Lee + Joe did a good job. You do fit perfectly together!!!! "Hit the point" "Hit it" "Hit it"... Slap!!! THANKS (Impro Embassy - Paradigm, June 4th 2015)

Senni Menni oh wie schoen das Theater ist :))))))

Really Good! I ENJOYED IT :) Never ever seen something like this - absolutely amazing

Es war so schön, ich hätte am liebsten mit gespielt. Habt Ihr toll gemacht

Backery whore...I will come back!Mr.Müller :) *Not a Threat!